Festive Fun With Cockapoos!

Festive Fun With Cockapoos!

Countryview Kennel wishes you and yours a wonderful time with your family this holiday season! 

In the quiet after the Christmas rush with dinners and festive fun and food, I invite you to take the time to check out our last waiting Cockapoo boy (bottom photo) that has said good bye to all of his brothers. He has happily grown since this photo and our photographer should be out next week for an updated photo.

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We also still have some beautiful Poodle Cross puppies available which you can check out here. Yes, they are all carefully vet inspected, given their shots and deworming. The health record will go home with each pup and can be shared with their new vet.

Please call directly at 519-698-2784 or 519-588-8721 to see which is still available to join your family before the New Year begins! Also, reading through our “kind words” page is a wonderful way to see how the pups look all grown up in their new, forever home!

Enjoy this wonderful season of wagging tails, family, rest and relaxation.

Cookies, Adorable Poodle Cross & Cockapoo Puppies!

Cookies, Adorable Poodle Cross & Cockapoo Puppies!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Really! There is the spicy fragrance of Christmas baking, sharing cuddles and snuggles with our sweet grandbaby, and taking care of our latest wagging puppies! Yes, it truly is the best time of year!

Countryview Kennel is mighty pleased to show off this gorgeous Poodle-Cross litter that arrived late summer and there are still a few available to join loving families this Christmas!

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One of our family pets is mama to this beautiful bunch.

We also have some gorgeous mini Cockapoo puppies that are waiting to be a Christmas gift that will keep on giving the entire year round. Please check them out here.

The vet has deemed them healthy after a head to heart to tail inspection. They have their shots and are de-wormed! Ready for you! Ready for your home and heart!

Please call us on Monday through Friday at 519-698-2784 or 519-588-8721 We’d love to answer your questions and to book an appointment for you to choose your perfect furry companion.

What joy these wagging tails are, and they truly are the gift that keeps on giving! Our previous customers love to share their photos and joy with us and we share that with you. Enjoy!

Best wishes to you all and Merry Christmas to all our dog-loving readers, friends and customers!