Happy Wagging Tails For You . . .

Happy Wagging Tails For You . . .

There are so many families in Ontario that are searching for their new, forever, four-pawed friend.

Our Cockapoo puppies are definitely a sought after breed and we are so pleased to present this little girl who also has a sweet sister and brother.  They are really at a cute age now (born on December 12, 2015) and such fun!  It’s hard to believe how fast they grow and change from one week to the next.  Her siblings are just as adorable as she is.

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We know many of you are also interested in the Labradoodles we have for sale and heard you loved reading about one of our Labradoodles from four years ago.  Countryview Kennel is so pleased to let you know, that there are still three boys left from our December 11, 2015 litter.  After those are gone, we are busy caring for a beautiful, curly coated litter that was born on Christmas Day.

What a precious Christmas Day gift!  Can you imagine celebrating your new pups birthday this coming Christmas?  What fun!

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There are four bouncing boys in this litter and we photographed two of the four to show you their identical curly coats.  But let me tell you, they each have their own unique temperament and you need to come out and see which one will best fit into your family.

Yes, there is a fit for you among all these happy hearts, wet noses, and wagging tails.

2 thoughts on “Happy Wagging Tails For You . . .

  1. hi, it has been 6 months since we got AGIMAT (“labradoodle”) born december 25, 2015.its never a dull moment with him. he is full of surprises and very good with people, specially with kids. he is very smart, you did a very good job raising him for 8 weeks. i will send some of his photos. do you have by any chance a picture of his parents on your website? they are 4 brothers born on december 25, 2015. thank you do much.


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